Logo for TwinkleU musical performing vocalist Cris Law    

TwinkleU Press Materials

The following photos are provided for the convenience of the media including Print, Television and Broadcast Radio

To retrieve photos at full resolution, click on the Thumbnail and then right click on the full size image and select "copy" or "save image" to save it to your computer.

The album cover art for TwinkleU
Vocalist Cris Law and Producer Frank Rogala
Frank Rogala in his garage studio where the album was recorded
Vocalist for TwinkleU Cris Law

TwinkleU Magic Music video directed by Frank Rogala  Current music video Magic
   URL: http://vimeo.com/twinkleu

Current Press releases
Southern California (pdf)  May 2011  PR Web Link http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/4/prweb8353669.htm

Northern Michigan (pdf) May 2011  PR web Link  http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/4/prweb8353641.htm



Release - National

Southern California Press Release
Northern Michigan Press Release
Romeo, Michigan Press Release
Armada, Michigan Press Release